Do Hamsters Have Good Hearing?

If you plan to bring a new pet to your home, you need to know more about it. For example, it is crucial to understand its daily diet, living place, and more. Many people who want to own a hamster always ask this question – do hamsters have good hearing?

Do Hamsters Have Good Hearing? Yes, hamsters have a good hearing sense. They even depend on the hearing sense to navigate an area because of their horrible eyesight. Hamsters will enjoy it if you talk to them calmly. But, loud noises will harm and induce stress on your pet, making them more scared. Sometimes, prolonged exposure to noisy environments might lead to the hamster’s death.

Do Hamsters Have Good Hearing

Scroll down below to know more about the hearing sense of the hamsters with some related facts. 

Do Hamsters Have Good Hearing?

Yes, despite their awful eyesight, hamsters have incredible hearing senses. Even the wild hamsters rely on their hearing sense for survival and to escape from predators. Besides that, hearing is also a crucial source of hamster communication.

Due to their sensitive hearing, it is easy for hamsters to hear noises that cannot be heard by humans. Because of that, hamsters living in the wild can communicate with each other without letting others hear it. 

Hamster is a social and sensible creature. It will like to interact and listen to you when you speak calmly. But, you should never yell, shout, or squeal when you are near the pet. The hamster will become afraid because of the loud noise. Sometimes, your hamster might not like to interact with you because it thinks of you as a threat.

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If you have dogs, then keep them away until your hamster gets used to their smell. It is because when the dogs make loud barking sounds, the hamster can become anxious. If there are children in your house, instruct them not to scream near the hamster’s space.

Will A Hamster Die Because Of Loud Noises?

If your hamster is hearing loud noises for a long time, there is a high risk that it will die. Besides that, loud sounds will disturb the sleep of your pet and make it jump anxiously. The hamster will become stressed due to fear which tends to weaken its immune system. The hamster’s condition will become worse if it does not get enough vitamins and nutrients.

Exposure to loud sounds will make some hamsters prone to anxiety-related diseases such as wet tails, and it can result in the death of those pets within three days. Some hamsters would behave and get more and more aggressive, and it will be hard for you to control it.

Because of all these reasons, make sure not to make loud noises near the hamster. Also, do not put the pet’s cage near the TV, Bluetooth speakers, or other sound systems.

Is It Possible For A Hamster To Lose Its Hearing?

Yes, sometimes your hamster might lose its hearing temporarily if it is exposed to loud sounds. From the reports of a hamster study, it is revealed that your pet might become deaf if it is in a noisy environment for about one hour.

A hamster will suffer from tinnitus if it hears loud noises that exceed 100 Db for around 10 minutes. If you want to listen to hard metal or pop music with a high sound, it is better to put on your earbuds, headphones, or earphones. With that, you can listen to the melodies without causing stress to your pet.

Will Hamsters Enjoy Listening To Music?

It depends on the type and volume of the music. Many hamsters will enjoy listening to soft and soothing melodies. Make sure to keep the volume down while playing the songs. But, hamsters would not like loud music, such as metal, pop, or musicals that have heavy sounds. As we said previously, your hamster will become afraid of loud sounds.

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Remember that not all hamsters are the same. Due to that, some hamsters might not show interest in music. A few hamsters even get stressed by the soft music at low volume.

Do Music Genres Matter to Hamsters?

They can. But it can also depend on a hamster. In general – hamsters do tend to prefer quieter, calmer melodies. Be it instrumental or vocal – your hamster is more likely to enjoy music that is peaceful and non-aggressive. So classical music can be a great choice if you wish to put some music on when your hamster’s around. But classical music, too, can be either agitating or distressing. Start with the less “bombastic” music if you are only beginning your hamster’s musical journey (think Vivaldi against Wagner).

Classical music is well-documented to be enjoyed by all kinds of animals. It tends to help them relax and reduce their anxiety, and hamsters are no exception. In fact, peaceful classical music may even help your pet deal with other stressors (like thunderstorms, loud car noise, barking, etc.).

That said, some pets actually do enjoy more “aggressive music” such as rock and metal! While some hamsters may become agitated and distressed while listening to fast-paced music, others may become more active and playful. But be careful introducing them to rock music – it may not distress them but it still may not be good for them, especially if you have more than one hamster living together: aggressive fast-paced music may cause them to become agitated and fight each other.

So remember the golden rule: the volume should be low, and start introducing your pet to music with slower and peaceful melodies, gradually increasing the pace. This will help you determine which type of music your pet likes the best.

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Why Does A Hamster Perk Its Ears?

In general, a hamster keeps its ears up in a relaxing position. When your pet hears an unusual sound, it will try to find the source of the noise by perking up its ears. Sometimes, the hamster tends to use its hind legs and looks for the sound with intent focus.

When the hamsters wake up, they will have folded ears because of their sluggishness. Also, if your pet is scared of something, it will fold its ears. During those moments, make sure not to go near the hamster as it may cause more stress. But, a few hamsters will fold their fold as an indication of aggression.

Other Crucial Information About Hamsters Ears

The fur on the hamster’s ear tends to change the coloring over time, which is a natural thing. So, you do not have to worry if the hamster’s fur on its ear has changed. 

Hamster’s ears are soft and fragile. They will get damaged easily and sometimes even tear apart. It is better not to play, stroke, or touch its ears. While cleaning the hamster’s ears, try to touch them as gently as possible. Remember to be cautious while dealing with its ears. 


In short, hamsters have a good hearing sense, which they also use for communication purposes. Your pet can even hear the slightest noises. Besides that, the hamster will become afraid if it is exposed to noisy environments.

Make sure to keep your hamster in a calm location. It will also enjoy listening to soothing music but keep the sound low. Whenever you talk to it, speak in a low voice. Remember not to shout or squeal if the pet is near you.