Can Hamsters Eat Mushrooms?

Did you make yourself a delicious Italian dinner with a side of stuffed mushrooms? Does it seem like your pet hamster is staring at your plate longingly? At that moment, you may want to give one or two mushrooms to your hamster. But, before that, do you know whether it is safe for hamsters to eat mushrooms?

There are numerous types of mushrooms, including yeast and fungi. If you want to know which mushrooms are safe for hamsters, then keep reading.

Can Hamsters Eat Mushrooms

Can Hamsters Eat Mushrooms?

It is safe for hamsters to eat a tiny piece of plainly cooked edible mushroom. Make sure not to feed mushrooms too often to your pet. It depends on the type of mushroom, how it is made, and the total serving amount. Mushrooms are highly nutritious, but a few of them contain toxic substances. Due to that, you need to be cautious while thinking about feeding mushrooms to your hamster.

First of all, you have to know that mushrooms are neither animals nor plants. They come under the fungi kingdom. It is safe for hamsters to eat mushrooms as long as you feed them correctly. As there are many species of mushrooms, you should be careful about the type of mushroom you plan to give the hamster.

You can give edible mushrooms which are plainly cooked, boiled, steamed, unsalted, unseasoned to your hamster. Mushrooms are a rich source of essential nutrients, and you can give them in tiny pieces to hamsters. Make sure not to feed the mushrooms that grow in the backyard, in the woods, or near water bodies. Besides that, you should not eat those mushrooms as well.

Nutritional Value Of Mushrooms

Below we will give you the nutritional content of one serving (100 g) of shiitake mushrooms cooked with salt. Shiitake mushrooms are edible and are nutritious.

  • Water – 83.5 g
  • Energy – 234 kJ
  • Protein – 1.56 g
  • Ash – 0.35 g
  • Carbohydrate – 14.4 g
  • Fiber – 2.1 g
  • Sugars – 3.84 g
  • Calcium, Ca – 3 mg
  • Magnesium, Mg – 14 mg
  • Phosphorus, P – 29 mg
  • Potassium, K – 117 mg
  • Sodium, Na – 240 mg
  • Zinc, Zn – 1.33 mg
  • Selenium, Se – 24.8 µg
  • Pantothenic acid – 3.59 mg
  • Total folate – 21 µg
  • Total choline – 80 mg
  • Total lipid (fat) – 0.22 g
  • Total saturated fatty acids – 0.05 g
  • Total monounsaturated fatty acids – 0.07 g
  • Total polyunsaturated fatty acids – 0.034 g. [1]
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Firstly, the edible mushrooms are rich in vitamin D. They have nearly zero fat or cholesterol and are less in calories. Mushrooms have high amounts of fiber, protein, vitamins (vitamin B2, niacin, folate, and small amounts of vitamins B1, B12, C, D, and E). Selenium, potassium, and phosphorus are also present in adequate quantities.

Mushrooms have more protein content than numerous vegetables. Besides that, they contain high amounts of essential amino acids. Specific polysaccharides present in mushrooms, such as beta-glucans, can improve resistance function. Lastly, they are also a rich source of antioxidants and have anti-tumor properties. [2]

Benefits Of Feeding Mushrooms To The Hamster

Feeding small pieces of mushrooms to your hamster once in a while is a good idea. Below are some of the benefits of giving plainly cooked, steamed, or boiled mushrooms to the hamster:

  • Due to adequate amounts of Vitamin B, the hamster will get more energy.
  • The antioxidants in mushrooms enhance the hamster’s immune system and protect it from the aging effect.
  • The total dietary fiber content is good for the hamster’s digestive system.
  • Mushrooms have high copper content, which increases the red blood cells (RBC) in the hamster’s body. It is also essential for your pet’s development.
  • The high potassium content can enrich the hamster’s heart, muscle, and nerve functions.

Are All Mushrooms Safe For Hamsters?

No, not all mushrooms are safe for your hamster. In general, there are more than 50,000 species of mushrooms. In that, around 1 to 2 % of mushroom varieties are toxic. There are different types of edible mushrooms, medicinal mushrooms, and many more.

Can Hamsters Eat Raw Mushrooms?

No, you should never feed raw mushrooms to your hamster, even if they are edible. Raw mushrooms contain numerous toxic compounds, like carcinogens, which are known to damage the health of your pet.

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Some of the popular edible mushrooms are shitake mushroom, false morel, portobello mushroom, and more. Even these edible mushrooms contain considerable amounts of carcinogens. The carcinogens are harmful compounds that belong to the hydrazine family. They will have carcinogenic effects on your hamsters even if eaten in moderate amounts. 

Can Hamsters Eat Wild Mushrooms?

No, it is best not to give wild mushrooms to the hamsters. Though there are a few edible wild mushrooms, most of them are toxic. So, it is better to avoid feeding wild mushrooms to your hamster at all.

A few wild mushrooms have rich nutrients and are delicious. But other poisonous wild mushrooms can result in death if eaten. Here are the three best edible and safe wild mushrooms:

  • Hen-of-the-woods
  • Sulphur shelf mushroom
  • Oyster mushroom

Below are the deadly wild mushrooms, which can cause severe problems, including death. Make sure to keep your hamster away from the following five mushrooms:

  • Death cap (Amanita phalloides)
  • Death angel (Amanita ocreata)
  • Autumn skullcap (Galerina marginata)
  • Conocybe filaris
  • False morels (Gyromitra esculenta and Gyromitra infula)

Can Hamsters Eat Medicinal Mushroom Supplements?

First of all, medicinal mushroom supplements can improve resistance. It also acts as a cure for specific types of cancer. Remember that giving a mushroom supplement to the hamster is not the same as feeding mushrooms.

The medicinal mushroom supplements have gone under extraction and processing. In general, mushroom supplements are safe for pets. But, a few supplements would not be effective and might contain toxic ingredients. If you want to give mushroom supplements to the hamster, it is better to discuss it with the veterinarian.

Here is the list of the best mushrooms which are known for their medicinal properties:

  • Chaga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus)
  • Lion’s mane mushroom (Hericium erinaceus)
  • Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum)
  • Turkey tail mushroom (Trametes versicolor and Coriolus versicolor)
  • Cordyceps mushroom (Cordyceps sinensis)
  • Maitake mushroom (Grifola frondose)

Can Hamsters Eat Cooked Edible Mushrooms?

Yes, you can give boiled or plain cooked mushrooms to your hamster. Feeding a tiny piece of shitake, portobello, button, or chanterelle mushroom is safe for your hamsters. These types of mushrooms have fewer toxic compounds.

During the cooking procedure, the toxic compounds present in raw mushrooms are reduced. But, not all cooked mushrooms are safe for the hamster. Mushrooms that contain other items such as spices, oils, onion, or garlic could become dangerous to your pet. Besides that, do not feed seasoned or flavored mushrooms to the hamster.

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In short, if you want to give mushrooms to your hamster, make sure to feed only plainly cooked, steamed, boiled, or unseasoned mushrooms.

How Often Can I Feed Mushrooms To The Hamster?

Well, you have to understand that it is not good to feed mushrooms to your hamster too often. It is because your pet might face difficulty handling the acid levels of the mushroom.

It is better to give a small piece of mushroom to the hamster once or twice a month. You can only feed boiled or plain cooked mushrooms to hamsters. Even seasoned or flavored mushrooms are not a good choice for your pet. So, be cautious when you give a mushroom to the hamster.

What Are The Potential Risks Of Feeding Mushrooms To Your Hamster?

Though there are some benefits of giving mushrooms to the hamster, you need to be cautious about the risks. Eating tiny amounts of mushrooms once a month would not create any problem for your hamster. But, if your pet has eaten plenty of mushrooms, it could face numerous health issues.

When you give excessive amounts of mushrooms to the hamster, it may not eat them at once. Your pet tends to store a few mushrooms to eat later. Mushrooms will become rotten when they are stored for a long time. If the hamster has eaten the rotten mushrooms, it will become sick.

The acid levels in mushrooms are high, which can sometimes damage the digestive system of your hamster. Because of that, your pet tends to face heavy discomfort. If your hamster could not get used to eating mushrooms, it might suffer from loose stools.

Bottom Line

In short, you can feed mushrooms to your hamster. They are highly nutritious food and provide several health benefits. But, a few mushrooms are poisonous and could kill your pet. So, you need to know that not all varieties of mushrooms are safe for the hamster. 

Giving tiny pieces of mushrooms once or twice a month is a good idea. If your hamster is showing illness signs after eating mushrooms, contact the veterinarian as soon as possible.