Turkey is more than just a country. It’s everything from a Thanksgiving dinner staple to one of the most popular sandwich fillings. So, if you enjoy turkey, you may be wondering if this tasty treat is one that your pet would also like – especially if you have a hamster.
But can your hamster eat turkey? The answer is an emphatic yes, dependent on the breed of hamster that you have.
Read on to get the health information about turkey and find out whether or not it’s a good fit for your hamster.
Turkey Nutrition Information
Two medium sized pieces of turkey gives you roughly the following amounts of vitamins, minerals, and other compounds:
- 24 grams protein
- 2 grams fat
- 7 grams fiber
- 6 percent daily value magnesium
- 46 percent daily value selenium
- 28 percent daily value phosphorus
- 4 percent daily value potassium
- 11 percent daily value iron
- 12 percent daily value zinc
- 61 percent daily value niacin
- 49 percent vitamin b6
- 29 percent vitamin b12
How Much Turkey Can You Give a Hamster?
The amount of turkey you can safely give a hamster depends on its age. Baby hamsters should not eat any turkey at all. Adult hamsters can safely have a teaspoon of turkey under supervision. The turkey that you give your hamsters should always and only be cooked, unsalted, and without any added flavors. Salted or flavored turkey may contain too much of the above compounds or additional additives that could lead to potentially risky conditions.
In addition to turkey meat, it is safe for hamsters to eat the skin of a cooked turkey, but in the same sense of moderation as meat. You should never give your hamster turkey bones.
How Often Should You Give Your Hamster Turkey?
Turkey should be given to hamsters at different intervals dependent on the breed and size of hamster. Syrian hamsters can be given up to a teaspoon of turkey per week. Robo hamsters can be given up to a teaspoon of turkey every two weeks. Dwarf hamsters can be given up to a teaspoon of turkey every month.
What Risks Are Associated with Feeding Hamsters?
The amount of fats and sugars contained inside pieces of turkey have the tendency to either trigger or worsen various potentially hazardous hamster health conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, and indigestion. Indigestion can include stomach upset, so monitor your hamster for about 12 hours after eating. Because eating turkey can pose a potential health risk to hamsters, it is recommended to consult with your veterinarian if you’re at all unsure if your hamster is in the proper condition to eat turkey as a snack, and only to give them some under your supervision.
A Final Word
Turkey can be a good source of vitamins and minerals for both people and animals, but when it comes to hamsters, it’s good to use a cautious approach when offering some to Hammy, only using small portions in accordance with the needs of your hamster breed or the recommendations of your vet.