Can Hamsters Eat Chicken?

Apart from strict vegetarians, you’d be hard pressed to find someone who doesn’t enjoy a good piece of chicken now and then, especially since there are so many ways of preparing and eating chicken.

But can your hamster chow down on some chicken? The short answer is, yes. Hamsters can eat chicken.

Can Hamsters Eat Chicken

It may come as a surprise, but your furry friend doesn’t dig only veggies. Hamsters are omnivores, meaning they also eat meat. And while they tend not to eat chicken in the wild, a little bit in moderation can definitely be a treat.

Read on to get the health information about chicken and find out whether or not it’s a good fit for your hamster.

Chicken Nutrition Information

One whole cup serving of chopped or diced chicken gives you roughly the following amounts of vitamins, minerals, and compounds:

  • 5 gram fat 
  • 43.4 grams protein
  • 21 milligrams calcium
  • 319 milligrams phosphorus
  • 29.4 units vitamin a
  • 358 milligrams potassium
  • 1.5 milligram iron
  • 5.6 micrograms folate
  • .4 micrograms vitamin k
  • 40.6 milligrams magnesium
  • 38.6 micrograms selenium
  • .4 milligrams vitamin e
  • .2 milligrams riboflavin
  • 19.2 milligrams niacin
  • 1.4 milligrams zinc
  • 104 milligrams sodium

How Much Chicken Can You Give a Hamster?

The amount of chicken you can give a hamster is dependent largely on the age of the hamster. Baby hamsters should stick to their mother’s milk, and not eat any chicken at all. Adult hamsters can have one single piece of chicken small enough to comfortably hold in its paws. When introducing chicken to hamsters, you’ll want to give them even smaller pieces than the regular suggested serving size to get them used to the taste and see how well your hamster tolerates it.

See also  Can Hamsters Eat Pomegranate?

How Often Should You Give Your Hamster Chicken?

Chicken should be given to hamsters only once in a while, even if your hamster seems to have developed a taste for it. The recommended serving frequency is once a week.

Always give chicken to your hamster alongside a balanced diet of normal hamster food, and make sure that there is plenty of clean water for your hamster to drink after chowing down on some chicken.

What Risks Are Associated With Feeding Hamsters Chicken?

The risks in giving your hamster chicken comes from two places: The way it’s served, and the fact that it’s not a typical hamster food.

Just as with turkey, your hamster should only eat cooked chicken that is unsalted and without any seasoning or marinade. Never feed your hamster raw chicken. Always feed your hamster fresh chicken, not the stuff that comes from a can. Always supervise your hamster when feeding them food that is outside their typical diet.

If you are hesitant about feeding your hamster chicken, it is recommended to consult your veterinarian and proceed under their guidance.

A Final Word on Hamsters and Chicken

Chicken is a fantastic source of protein for both humans and animals. And if all of the appropriate considerations are kept in mind, it’s possible that your hamster can and will enjoy eating chicken as much as you do.