Can Hamsters Eat Kale?

Who doesn’t love the idea of a good healthy snack? One of the healthiest snacks around is kale. A member of the same family as cabbage, it’s typically used on pizzas, in salads, in smoothies, and even on chips. So, if kale is a popular snack for health conscious humans, it’s worth wondering if their health conscious hamsters would love it too.

But can you share kale with your hamster? In short, the answer is – it depends. Certain breeds of hamster that aren’t recommended to have kale, but other breeds are able to eat it in moderation.

Can Hamsters Eat Kale

Read on to get the health information about kale and find out whether or not it’s a good fit for your hamster.

Kale Nutrition Information

An entire cup of kale gives you roughly the following amounts of vitamins, minerals, and compounds:

  • 7g carbohydrates
  • 5g fiber
  • 2g protein
  • 4mg vitamin c
  • 5mg calcium
  • 5mg phosphorus
  • 10,302iu vitamin a
  • 299mg potassium
  • 1mg iron
  • 4 mcg folate
  • 547mg vitamin k
  • 8mg magnesium
  • 2g sugar

Clearly, it’s the superfood that everyone touts it to be, but one fundamental question remains…

How Much Kale Can You Give a Hamster?

The amount of kale you can give a hamster is dependent largely on the age of the hamster. Baby hamsters should not eat any kale at all. Adult hamsters can have one single piece of kale roughly the size of its head, or smaller. And the piece of kale should be only the outer edge of the kale leaf, not the stem.

See also  Can Hamsters Eat Raspberries?

How Often Should You Give Your Hamster Kale?

Kale should be given to hamsters only once in a while, even if Fluffy seems to have developed a taste for it. The recommended serving frequency is every other week or so, and it’s also important not to give your hamster kale on the same day as you give it other acidic veggies, since too much acidity can be a problem for little hamster tummies.

What Risks Are Associated With Feeding Hamsters Kale?

The acidity present in kale has the potential to cause stomach upset in hamsters, including vomiting and diarrhea, so your hamster should be monitored for a few hours after munching on some kale.

Certain breeds of hamsters should not be given kale at all. These breeds include Chinese Campbell Dwarf hamsters, Russian Campbell Dwarf hamsters, and White Winter Dwarf hamsters. These particular breeds of hamsters are predisposed to diabetes, and the amount of sugar contained in kale has the potential to trigger or worsen the condition.

A Final Word on Kale and Hamsters

Kale can be a good source of vitamins and minerals for both people and animals, but when it comes to hamsters, it’s good to use a cautious approach when offering Hammy your leafy green veggies, only using small portions in accordance with the needs of your hamster breed or the recommendations of your vet.

If you take all of the necessary factors into consideration, you and fluffy can be well on your way to sharing a delicious and healthy snack.