Can Hamsters Eat Sweet Corn?

Corn is one of the most popular vegetables. There are many ways to eat it, each one as tasty as the last. And if you’re a fan of corn, you may sometimes feel in the mood to share, especially with your pets.

But can your hamster eat sweet corn? The answer is yes. In fact, they already consume quite a bit of it inside typical hamster food. So, bonus snack corn should be given sparingly.

Can Hamsters Eat Sweet Corn

Read on to get the health information about sweet corn and to find out whether or not it is a good fit for your hamster.

Sweet Corn Nutrition Information

A single large ear of corn gives you roughly the following amounts vitamins, minerals, and other compounds:

  • 9 grams protein
  • 5 grams lipid fat
  • 5 grams carbohydrates
  • 2.94 grams sugar
  • 3 grams dietary fiber
  • 1.12 milligrams calcium
  • .5 milligrams iron
  • 7 milligrams magnesium
  • 5 milligrams phosphorus
  • 270 milligrams potassium 
  • 3 milligrams vitamin c
  • 5 micrograms vitamin k
  • 3 micrograms folate
  • 310 units vitamin a
  • .2 milligrams manganese
  • .7 milligrams zinc
  • .1 units vitamin b6
  • .1milligram riboflavin
  • .1 milligram copper

How Much Sweet Corn Can You Give a Hamster?

The amount of sweet corn you can safely give your hamster depends on the age of the hamster. Baby hamsters should not be given sweet corn at all. Adults can be given up to a teaspoon of loose corn kernels, or one ear of baby corn. Ensure that the corn is washed to get rid of any potential pesticides.

See also  Can Hamsters Eat Kiwi?

The corn husk is also acceptable to feed your hamster, again, in moderation. A piece of husk given should be about the size of its head.

Certain blends of hamster food already contain corn, and if the blend you’re using does, you may want to either find a different food blend or forego snack corn.

How Often Should You Feed a Hamster Sweet Corn?

Sweet corn can be incorporated into your hamster’s food routine regularly, as long as the portions are monitored, as mentioned above.

What Risks Are Associated With Feeding Hamsters Sweet Corn?

Sweet corn contains a fair amount of fats and sugars which can potentially trigger or worsen conditions like obesity and diabetes. Certain breeds of hamsters are predisposed to these conditions, so caution is necessary.

Before introducing any treat into your hamster’s diet, it may be beneficial to consult your veterinarian, especially if you are unsure about how eating sweet corn may affect your hamster.

A Final Word About Sweet Corn And Hamsters

Not only is sweet corn a treat that your Hammy is sure to love, but it’s likely that they may already be eating some on a fairly regular basis. And if that’s the case, then it’s important to make sure that you follow the advice of your veterinarian in regard to the appropriate type of food and the suggested serving amount of sweet corn.

If you bear in mind all of the necessary considerations, then there’s nothing stopping you from sharing this healthy, tasty snack with your hamster.